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Next Private Health Workshop


Let's talk. Privately, truthfully, and transformatively.

My no-nonsense health workshops answer your questions confidentially with in-depth information, so:

  • questions will close 48 hours before each workshop,
  • workshops are limited to 25 people to ensure quality, and, to protect everyone's identity,
  • questions will be randomized and there will be no discussion by name.

I'm interested in sharing life-changing, in-depth health information you can't always get at your doctor's office because of time, and that you can't find online because of misinformation and healthcare gatekeeping. Some workshop attendees may even qualify for pay-what-you-want individualized patient care or health coaching afterwards, so the value doesn't stop when the timer ends.

It's time for YOU to take control of your health and knowledge is the power to do that. Join me and we'll get your questions answered! Make sure you return the onboarding document to me 48 hours before the workshop so we can really dig our teeth in.

AME, charity, patron, or channel member discount? Head here: https://petrepan.gumroad.com/l/lzdyxp

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You'll get access to our next health workshop, mp3s and mp4s from the event, as well as documents. That's over $85 value for $25--and your health is worth so much more.

Workshop access
$50 Value
Video MP4 after the class
$15 Value
Audio MP3 after the class
$10 Value
Handouts from the workshop
$1 Value
50.4 KB
3 pages
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Next Private Health Workshop

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