Profile PictureJen Finelli, MD

Intimacy and Sexual Health: Dr. Finelli Teaches What You Really Need To Know For Successful Sex - Salud Sexual y Intimidad: Dra. Finelli Ensena Lo Que Realmente Necesitas Saber Para Sexo Exitoso - in English and Espanol

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Intimacy and Sexual Health: Dr. Finelli Teaches What You Really Need To Know For Successful Sex - Salud Sexual y Intimidad: Dra. Finelli Ensena Lo Que Realmente Necesitas Saber Para Sexo Exitoso - in English and Espanol


This is the pre-requisite to booking a sexual health couples consultation with Dr. Finelli.

In these intimacy classes, we cover Dealing With Female Sexual Pain, Erectile Dysfunction, Post-Assault Intimacy Issues, Disease Prevention, and More!

Tomar el control de su salud de intimidad: ¡lidiar con el dolor sexual femenino, la disfunción eréctil, los problemas de intimidad posteriores a la agresión, la prevención de enfermedades y más!

These 1.5 hr sessions (broken into manageable chunks) exist to give you ideas and support to better help you deal with your sexual hurt, pain, and trauma, and includes pleasure tips, anatomical advice, special issues, and various topics to help your bedroom success. Jen Finelli, MD, is a sexual assault medical forensic examiner and general practice physician with hundreds of pelvic exams and sexual health visits under her belt, and she's excited to see how she can help you. If you'd like to catch the next workshop live, and ask questions about sexual health directly, please visit to see when's the next workshop!

Esta sesión de una hora de duración existe para brindarle ideas y apoyo para ayudarlo mejor a lidiar con su dolor sexual, dolor y trauma, e incluye consejos de placer, consejos anatómicos, problemas especiales y varios temas para ayudar al éxito de su cama. Jen Finelli, MD, es una examinadora forense médica de agresión sexual y médica de práctica general con cientos de exámenes pélvicos y visitas de salud sexual en su haber, y está emocionada de ver cómo puede ayudarlo. Si desea ver el próximo taller en vivo y hacer preguntas sobre salud sexual directamente, visite para ver cuándo es el próximo taller.

For more information on my background in sexual health, go here: Sexual health success – Healthcare by Jen (

But chances are, you've seen that already.

This is also where you can apply for a couples' sexual health consultation with me!

Before booking, you can view the attached workshop videos and questions to get a good introductory handle on some sexual health items you may not be aware of for your success. It's okay if you don't watch the whole thing--I won't know.

What I WILL know is if you forget to fill out the attached paperwork. Don't forget that! We can't have our first visit until you've answered the questions and signed everything so that we're all on the same page. So as soon as you fill out the questions, email them to me and we can set our first appointment date and talk about booking consultations.

Once we've decided we're a good fit, we can talk price! While the price starts at $40 for the initial couples' health visit, we can change that later on--it's definitely negotiable, since I want to be able to follow you along your journey if you need additional help, labs, or medications.

*Note that labs/medications are only available to folks in Texas, Virginia, Guam, and other places that accept those licenses. I can't practice medicine outside of those jurisdictions, but I can give you education for self-care. Get in touch if you have any questions.

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Watch link provided after purchase
Sexual Success: Troubleshooting Intimacy After An Assault
Sexual Success: Troubleshooting Erectile Dysfunction
Sexual Success: Troubleshooting Female Sexual Discomfort
Salud Sexual en Espanol
How to help someone who is recovering from an assault
8 More Tips for Sexual Assault Healing
Resource list for reproductive loss, trauma, and unplanned stress
Studies list for abortion
Mitigating Sexual Risks for Improved Sexual Success
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